
Prep-Year 2

Colac Primary school


Our classroom programs focus on developing a positive & cooperative learning environment in which children can achieve their potential in all curriculum areas. We provide a sequential & inclusive curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum, guided by Early Years philosophies.

The Literacy Program focuses on developing early reading, writing and speaking and listening strategies. We implement successful literacy programs: Sounds Write, Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s Workshop and Seven Steps to Writing Success.

Our Numeracy Program is experience based and our students actively participate in open ended rich learning tasks, guided by our Maths Workshop Model.

Students’ learning progress is tracked through Essential Assessment, allowing students learning to be moderated to ensure teaching and learning is at the point of need of the student.

All students have access to the digital resources: Reading Eggs, Mathletics and Epic.

At Colac Primary School we ensure all students have the opportunity to develop their Personal Capabilities to assist in becoming Global Citizens though integrated and open ended inquiry research tasks.

Students are explicitly taught how to use “Zones of Regulation” to identify emotions and strategies to support their regulation and positive interactions with their peers.

Students apply their learning during camps and excursions. Special events and learning experiences throughout the year include:

  • Buddies Program (Foundation)
  • 100 days of school (Foundation)
  • Bravehearts Personal Safety Education Program
  • P-4 Activity Day
  • Swimming Program
  • RACV Road Safety Education
  • Responsible Pet Ownership
  • Local and city excursions and incursions